I'm looking at different graduate schools right now and one of the five schools offering a Master of Sacred Music is Notre Dame in Indiana. I don't know much about their program yet, but a couple of things attract me, including their chapel. I wonder how it is to sing in. The Catholics still have retained some of the sense of beauty and glory of God and worship of Him that much of Christianity has lost.
It seems like man has a hard time combining beauty in worship with good theology. But good theology should lead to creativity and beauty. Maybe we start to worship our creations more than our Creator.
Indiana is not such a good idea... :-/
One of the things that struck me about Poland when I was over there was how beautiful and...permanent the Catholic cathedrals over there were. Their age and sturdy construction just seemed to hearken back to a time when Christianity was much more future-oriented and concerned with creating items of lasting beauty. Compare the aesthetics of those cathedrals to that of any American mega-church constructed in the last few decades!
But if Jesus is coming back tomorrow, why build anything that will last more than 50 years? If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, why even try?
Good for you; I think you'll do well in graduate school. :) Lemme know any interesting things you find out, ok? I'm still open-minded about where to go, although I think it will end up being U of O.
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